Hawaiian Tropical Plant Nursery, LLC

To Order Visit our online store: http://www.store.hawaiiantropicalplants.com

Online Store: http://www.store.hawaiiantropicalplants.com Edible Plants Ornamental Trees & Shrubs Palms Vines Spice & Beverage Plants
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hawaiiantropicalplants Heliconia Gingers Orchids Aroids Hawaiian Ti, Cordyline
Medicinal and Ethobotanical Plants Plant Sources Plant Information Links Hawaii Island Maps Bamboo Home

Botanical Gardens, Arboretums, and Government Web Sites

Missouri Botanical Garden- Tropicos database is good source for nomenclature and checking botanical names.

Plants of Hawaii - Images and information on native and non-native plants in Hawai'i. HEAR (Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk) makes an attempt to evaluate wether a particular species is invasive. Another useful link is the plant page HEAR Information Index: Plants.

Orchids & Bromeliads

American Orchid Society- Information for the orchid enthusiast. Publishes Orchids monthly. Links to local chapters. They have a list of orchid nurseries.

Internet Orchid Species Photo Encyclopedia- Great source for orchid photos.

Fruit, Vegetable, Medicinal Plant Resources

California Rare Fruit Growers- Not just for California growers. This organization has an international membership. Lots of information on tropical subtropical and temperate fruit species. Bimonthly publication. I highly recommend membership no matter where you are growing. The Seed Bank is for members only.

NewCROP- This is the website of The Center for New Crop and Plant Products at Purdue University. Lots of info on edible crops for both tropical and temperate climates. I find this website very useful.

The Cucurbitaceae- The botany of melons, squash, cucumbers and their many relatives. Information on many species that are rare in cultivation.

Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers- Organization to promote tropical fruit in Hawaii.

Hawaii Organic Farmers Association This is the organization for certifying organic farms in Hawaii. Information for both farmers and consumers.

Hawaii Tea Society- This society is devoted to promoting the cultivation of tea in Hawaii. Good resource for anyone interested in cultivation of tea.

Hawaii Coffee Association- Association of coffee growers in Hawaii.

Tropical Agroforestry

agroforestry.net- Agroforestry resources with an emphasis on crops suitable for for the Pacific islands.

Plant Societies

American Bamboo Society - Members receive a bimonthly magazine filled with great resource for bamboo growers and craftsmen. Plant source list. List of bamboo products and building material. In Hawai'i, I recommend planting only clumping tropical bamboo. They stay where you plant them and don't form runners. I've been a member of the ABS for several years and highly recommend membership for anyone interested in bamboo.

International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)- International organization devoted to the cultivation and utlization of bamboo and rattan. The organization produces publications and holds workshops.

American Camellia Society- Publishes quarterly magazine The Camellia Journal. Nursery list of Camellia growers. Camellia culture information. List of local society chapters.

International Hoya Association - Publishes a quarterly news letter.

International Palm Society- Members receive a quarterly magazine. Local chapter links. Links to member webpages and sources for palm seeds and plants.

Passiflora Society International- Passion flowers and fruit. Great source for information. Publishes a newsletter.

Online Store: http://www.store.hawaiiantropicalplants.com Edible Plants Ornamental Trees & Shrubs Palms Vines Spice & Beverage Plants
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hawaiiantropicalplants Heliconia Gingers Orchids Aroids Hawaiian Ti, Cordyline
Medicinal and Ethobotanical Plants Plant Sources Plant Information Links Hawaii Island Maps Bamboo Home

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Frequently Asked Questions
Steve: Email: steve_starnes@yahoo.com (you will need to copy and paste the email address)
Open by Appointment late afternoon and weekends
Hawaiian Tropical Plant Nursery, LLC
P.O. Box 1511
Kea'au, Hawaii 96749
Cell Phone: 808-333-0505 Email is the best way to reach me. (Best time to call: 4pm to 8pm HST)